Wednesday, July 21, 2010

How to Grow Clouds - finished animation

And here it is after several months of making and editing. Accompanied by an original soundtrack composed by the very talented Nick Scott


  1. Lovely film, exactly in the spirit of the work it's based on (and lovely in its own right as well)!

    The Capek piece was included in a recent post at my own site. A visitor asked me what Capek work it came from, and a loooong Google quest led me here. Hope you don't mind my having embedded the video there; it definitely ennobles my post.

    Best of luck in your work!

  2. Yes, a charming little film. Thank you.

    I was the Capek fan who provoked JES into digging further, digging, digging, digging, until he found your beautiful clouds.

    What are you working on next?
